Object in JavaScript.

Object in JavaScript.

What is an object in javascript?

The object is a datatype that allows you to store and organize data in key-value pairs. It is similar to a real-life object. which has properties that describe its characteristics.

To create an object in javascript you can use {} curly braces.

let's create an object.

let car = {
name: "Mahindra XUV500"
length: 4cm,
price: $5000,
companyName: "Mahindra" 

consol.log(car) // We get all the property of object.

// access the property of object

consol.log(car.length)        // result 4cm
consol.log(car.name)          // Mahindra xub500
consol.log(car.companyName)   // Mahindra
consol.log(car.price)         // $5000

In this example, the name of the object is car and the property of the object is name, length, compamyName, price and the name of the car and the name of the company the length of the car and the price of the car are property value.

let's create another object.

let person = {
firstName: "Raj",
lastName: "Pandey",
fullName: "Raj Pandey",
gender: "male",
age: 25,
city: "Delhi"

console.log(person) // We get object person and all property of person.

//We can access the property of object like this

console.log(person.firstName);   // result "Raj"
console.log(person.lastName);    // result "Pandey"
console.log(person.fullName);    // result "Raj Pandey"
console.log(person.gender);      // result "male"
console.log(person.age);         // result  25
console.log(person.city);        // result "Delhi"

Let's see another example of an object.

let person = {
  name: 'Aditya Singh',
  age: 30,
  address: {
    street: '123 Main',
    city: 'Lucknow',
    state: 'UP',
    zip: '110027'

In this example, person is an object that has three properties: name, age, and address. The address property is itself an object that has four properties. street, city, state, zip.

We can add a property to an object using dot notation: In this example, we add the address property to a person object using dot notation.

let person = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30

person.address = '123 Main St';

console.log(person); // Outputs: { name: 'John', age: 30, address: '123 Main St' }

We can also add a property to an object using bracket [] notation.. let's see the example.

let person = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30

person['address'] = '123 Main St';

console.log(person); // Outputs: { name: 'John', age: 30, address: '123 Main St' }

To remove a property from an object in JavaScript, you can use the delete operator. let's see the example.

let person = {
  name: 'John',
  age: 30,
  address: '123 Main St'

delete person.address;

console.log(person); // Outputs: { name: 'John', age: 30 }

In this example, we use the delete the operator to remove the address property from the person object.

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